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Fan Blade Inspection

Fan Blade Inspection

Introducing a state-of-the-art automation technology Automation is a common practice in the aerospace industry and more particularly among the manufacturers of gas turbine components. The benefits of automating the production…

Simplify Manufacturer’s Lives With Industry 5.0

Simplify Manufacturer’s Lives With Industry 5.0

For several years now, the concept of Industry 4.0 has been at the center of the manufacturing industry. Even if some players are more advanced than others in this technological…

Robotics and Orthopaedic Implants

Robotics and Orthopaedic Implants

How Technology Will Affect the Design and Use of Implants Interview with an orthopaedic surgeon According to an OECD[1] report published in 2017, hip and knee replacement surgery has become…

How Robotic Technologies Apply to Visual Inspection 

How Robotic Technologies Apply to Visual Inspection 

Visual surface inspection is a crucial step in the manufacturing process, especially for industries such as aeronautics and orthopaedics. Usually performed by operators, visual inspection requires certain levels of repeatability…

Digital Twins: How the Digital Replica Concept is Used by Robotic Systems

Digital Twins: How the Digital Replica Concept is Used by Robotic Systems

AV&R’s robotic systems are designed to automate surface finishing operations (profiling, polishing, blending, deburring) on critical parts of aircraft engines, such as blades. These systems operate using dedicated software called…

Robotics in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis

Robotics in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis

Point of view of a robotic expert  COVID-19 is disrupting the world by having an unprecedented impact on the global economy. In order to respect governmental rules, workers from manufacturing…

Software in Robotics

Software in Robotics

Is Software the Future of Robotics? Since the first industrial robot was created in the 1950s , industrial robotics has continued to develop and take a prominent place in the manufacturing…

New Trend: Trailing Edges

New Trend: Trailing Edges

Aerodynamics is the crux of the matter in an airplane engine. The more aerodynamic blades are, the more efficient and fuel economical the engine is, saving astronomical sums for the…

Democratize Robotics

Democratize Robotics

The evolution is constant in all areas. Automation is no exception. Where there used to be gliders and the Wright Flyer, today we have planes with jet engines, autopilots and…

Blade Erosion: A Nightmare for MRO Shops

Blade Erosion: A Nightmare for MRO Shops

Airplane engine parts are altered during flights. As they are high added value parts, they are repaired to be used again. One of the main alterations happening to a part…

How to Successfully Implement Automation in a Factory?

How to Successfully Implement Automation in a Factory?

Why Automate? In today’s reality, automating one’s factory has become more than a necessity; it’s a matter of survival. With the fourth industrial revolution at our doorstep, the future of…

Impacts of Tolerances Refinement

Impacts of Tolerances Refinement

Tolerances refinement is a well-known concept for manufacturers in the aerospace industry. This new reality has a direct impact on how they do things. To succeed reaching new market standards,…

Adaptive Technology Progression

Adaptive Technology Progression

Adaptive Technology Progression As noted in the previous blog post, there are different levels of complexity in adaptive technology. For this reason, there are regularly misunderstandings related to this concept…

What is Adaptive Manufacturing Exactly?

What is Adaptive Manufacturing Exactly?

The aerospace industry is a high technology sector, especially in the jet engines production. The market is in constant evolution. In the past years, the industry’s key players pressured the…