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2011 ADRIQ Innovative SME Prize Finalist

AV&R Vision & Robotics is finalist of the Innovation Prize from the Association pour le développement de la recherche et de l’innovation du Québec (ADRIQ) in the Innovative SME category. This honour is presented by the Ministry of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade (MDEIE) and will be presented at the gala held on November 22 at the Windsor Station in Montreal.

“The Innovative SME Prize is awarded to a company with a culture of innovation, a style of leadership and a unifying vision manifested by a great receptivity to new ideas, an emphasis on creativity, a sustained involvement of its employees and a close connection with its customers and the markets it serves. The Innovative SME has set up an innovation management system which results in a remarkable performance, a solid strategic positioning, international competitiveness and a competitive advantage recognized in its industry.

For more information on the Innovation Prize, visit ADRIQ’s website.



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