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2012 ADRIQ Innovation Prize Finalist

We are pleased to tell you that AV&R Vision & Robotics is finalist of the 2012 Innovation Prize from the Association for the Development of Research and Innovation of Quebec (ARDIQ) in the Product category. This honour will be presented at the gala held on November 22 at the Windsor Station in Montreal.

“The Innovation Prize – Product is awarded to a company that has recently developed and introduced to the market a product whose novelty is evident, giving it a competitive advantage in its industry and market. […] The new or significantly improved product has experienced a remarkable commercial success and a positive undeniable impact on the company, particularly in terms of competitive advantage in its sector, increased sales, improved strategic positioning and increased profitability.”

AV&R presented to this challenge its automated profiling system which now reaches an unequalled precision level in the industry and whose adaptive character opens the doors of the MRO market.

Established in 1996, this Prize aims to highlight the innovation and technological creativity of Quebec’s businesses. For more information and to view the finalists of the 2012 Innovation Prize, visit ADRIQ’s website.*

*In French only.



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